Links and Bibliography
• Sources on the history and architecture of the Gandzasar Monastery:
- Armenia & Karabagh (tourist guide). 2nd edition, Stone Garden Productions, Northridge, California, 2006
- Bishop Barkhudarian, Makar. Artsakh. Baku, 1885
- Diehl, Charles. Byzantine Portraits. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1927
- Comneno, Lala M.; Cuneo, P.; and Manukian, S. Volume 17: Gandzasar. Documents of Armenian Art (Documenti di Architettura Armena Series). Polytechnique and the Armenian Academy of Sciences, Milan, OEMME Edizioni, 1987
- Comneno, Lala M.; Cuneo, P.; and Manukian, S. Volume 19: Gharabagh. Documents of Armenian Art (Documenti di Architettura Armena Series). Polytechnique and the Armenian Academy of Sciences, Milan, OEMME Edizioni, 1980
- Danielyan, Eduard L. The History of Gandzasar. Gandzasar Theological Center, Yerevan, 2005
- Hakopian, Hravard. The Miniatures of Artsakh and Utik: Thirteenth-Fourteenth Centuries. Yerevan, 1989
- Halajian, John. Armenian Church Architecture: From Dormancy to Revival. Tate Publishing & Enterprises, 2006
- Hasratian, Murad. Early Modern Christian Architecture of Armenia. Moscow, Incombook, 2000
- Hasratian, Murad, and Sargsyan, Zaven. Armenia: 1700 Years of Christian Architecture. Yerevan, 2001
- Holding, Nicholas. Armenia, with Nagorno Karabagh: The Bradt Travel Guide. Bradt Travel Guides, 2004
- Karapetian, Samvel. Armenian Cultural Monuments in the Region of Karabakh. Yerevan: Gitutiun Publishing House, 2001
- Mkrtchian, Shahen. Treasures of Artsakh. Yerevan: Tigran Mets Publishing House, 2002
- Mkrtchian, Shahen. Historical and Architectural Monuments of Nagorno Karabakh. Yerevan: Hayastan Publishing House, 1988
- Santrot, Jacques (ed.) Armenie: Tresors de L’Armenie ancienne. Somogy Editions d’Art, Paris, 1996
- Thierry, Jean-Michel. Eglises et Couvents du Karabagh. Antelais: Lebanon, 1991
- Voskian, Hamazasp. The Monasteries of Artsakh. Vienna, 1953
- Yakobson, Anatoly L. “From the History of Medieval Armenian Architecture: the Monastery of Gandzasar,” in: Studies in the History of Culture of the Peoples in the East. Moscow-Leningrad. 1960
• Ancient Greek and Roman sources on Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) and eastern lands of Armenia:
- Dio [Cassius]. Roman History (III). Cambridge, MA, 1984, pp. 92-93
- Pliny the Elder. Natural History of Pliny (II). London, 1890, pp. 17-21
- Plutarch. Lives, [V, Pompey]. Cambridge, MA, 1955, pp. 203-209
- Ptolemy. Geography. Frankfurt, 1987, pp. 170-171
- Strabo. Geography, (V). Cambridge, MA, 1969, pp. 187, 223, 321, map XI
• Medieval sources on Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) and eastern lands of Armenia:
- Anania Shirakatsi. Ashkharhatsoyts, translated from Old Armenian by Robert H. Hewsen. Caravan Books, 1994
- Egishe. History of Vardan and the Armenian War, translated from Old Armenian by Robert W. Thomson. Harvard University Press, 1982
- Kirakos Gandzaketsi. “Kirakos Gandzaketsi’s history of the Armenians,” Sources of the Armenian Tradition. New York, 1986
- Kirakos Gandzaketsi. History of Armenia. Moscow. Nauka. 1976
- Mkhitar Gosh. The Lawcode, translated from Old Armenian by Robert W. Thomson. NJ: Rodopi, 2000
- Movses Kalankatuatsi. History of the Land of Aluank, translated from Old Armenian by Sh. V. Smbatian. Yerevan: Matenadaran (Institute of Ancient Manuscripts), 1984
- Moses Khorenatsi. History of the Armenians, translated from Old Armenian by Robert W. Thomson. Harvard University Press, 1978
- Stephanos Orbelian. History of the Land of Sisakan. Tiflis, 1910
• Modern sources on Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) and eastern lands of Armenia:
- Adonts, Nikoghaios. Armenia in the Period of Justinian: The Political Conditions based on the Naxarar System. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 1970
- Baratov, Boris. Paradise Laid Waste: A Journey to Karabakh. Lingvist Publishers, Moscow, 1998
- Bedrosian, Robert. " Armenia During the Seljuk and Mongol Periods," in Richard G. Hovannisian (ed.): The Armenian People From Ancient to Modern Times, (Volume II: Foreign Dominion to Statehood: The Fifteenth Century to the Twentieth Century). New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1997
- Brosset, M. F. S. Orbelian, Histoire de la Siounie, translated by M. F. Brosset, St Petersburg, 1866
- Butcher, Catherine. Cox's Book of Modern Saints and Martyrs. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2006
- Bournoutian, George A. Russia and the Armenians of Transcaucasia, 1797-1889: A Documentary Record. Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers. 1998
- Bournoutian, George A. Armenians and Russia, 1626-1796: A Documentary Record. Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2001
- Bournoutian George A. A History of Qarabagh: An Annotated Translation of Mirza Jamal Javanshir Qarabaghi's Tarikh-E Qarabagh. Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 1994
- Chorbajian, Levon; Donabedian Patrick; Mutafian, Claude. The Caucasian Knot: The History and Geo-Politics of Nagorno-Karabagh. NJ: Zed Books, 1994
- Chorbajian, Levon (ed.). The Making of Nagorno-Karabagh: From Secession to Republic. Palgrave Macmillan, 2001
- De Waal, Thomas. Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan through Peace and War. New York University Press, 2003
- Luchterhandt, Otto. Nagorny Karabakh's Right to State Independence According to International Law. Boston, 1993
- Hewsen, Robert H. Armenia: a Historical Atlas. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2001
- Hewsen, Robert H. “The Kingdom of Artsakh,” in T. Samuelian & M. Stone, eds. Medieval Armenian Culture. Chico, CA, 1983
- Ulubabian, Bagrat. Studies in the History of the Eastern Province of Armenia. 5th-7th Centuries, Yerevan, 1981
- Orbeli, Iosif. “Hasan-Jalal Dola, Prince of Khachen.” in I. Orbeli: Select Works. Yerevan, 1963
- Raffi. Melikdoms of Khamsa. Yerevan, 1991
- Viviano, Frank. “The Rebirth of Armenia,” National Geographic Magazine. March 2004
- Walker, Christopher J. Armenia and Karabagh: The Struggle for Unity. Minority Rights Group Publications, 1991